Tips for Giving Medicine to Toddlers

Giving medicine to children is sometimes a struggle. New parents or some experienced parents can relate to this. There are numbers of parents who are uncertain on how to give medicine to babies and young children. Other parents said that the secret is believing that the child needs the medicine. Of course the child needs the medicine, that's why it was prescribed by the doctors.

It is good to consult this problem with a family doctor. Sometimes, even the candy-like taste medicine is not working for young children when they are sick. Consider their feeling of weakness and irritability which are some factors for resistance in taking the medicine. Be sure to take necessary precautions in giving medicine to babies and young children even how persistent mothers are.

Here are some general tips for giving medicines to babies and young children:

  • To reduce the risk of choking, make sure the child is standing or sitting up at least 45 degree angle.
  • Always give liquid medicine along the side of the mouth, about just a halfway down. A gag will be triggered if the medicine will go directly to the center of the child's palate. When giving a tablet, place the tablet on the back of the tongue or they will just spit it.
  • If possible, disguise a medicine's bad taste. Some medicine goes along with applesauce, yogurt, pudding, smooth peanut butter (only for kids' 18 months and older), and jellies or jam. In some cases, try ice cream, soft candy pieces or chocolate syrup.
  • Juice, formula or milk can sometimes be a problem because the medicine does not completely mixed in to it. But if you still want to use any of these, use only a small amount.
  • Use a measuring type of spoon, ordinary silverware are not accurate.
  • Never refer medicine as candy. Don't set up a potential dangerous confusion.
  • Only adults should give medicine to babies and young children. Do not allow a younger child to do it for you unsupervised for any reason.
  • Taking a medicine is not a negotiatiable activity so don't bargain or bribe. Instead, give your child some choices like what cup he wants to drink from or where does he wants to take the medicine. But never imply that anyone has a choice about whether he will take the medicine or not.
  • Never punish a child who refuses to take medicine, there might be some other factors why he doesn't want to take it. Just insist and plow ahead. Don't forget to give him a big hug and praises on a job well done when he accomplished it.


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