Changing Smoking to Pregnancy
What are the effect of smoking in pregnancy?
Cigarette poisons reach your baby - They travel in the blood and cross the placenta.
Pregnancy may be cut short - Early labor means a premature baby who may struggle to survive.
Lungs and airways are damaged - Damage to organs means the body cannot work so well.
Damage is hard to see - It does not show on ultra-sound scans or with our eyes. It shows as higher risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS (cot death), pneumonia, asthma, glue ear, etc.
Blood flow is slowed - Nicotine squeezes the blood vessels so less blood gets through.
Food and oxygen are cut back - This stunts growth and stifles development.
What are the benefits when you quit smoking?
Safer start to life - Safety goes up as smoking comes down. The less both parents smoke the more they protect their baby.
Safer choices - Your baby is safer if parents are free from tobacco, marijuana, alcohol and other drugs.
Better breastfeeding - Smokefree breastmilk means faster let-down, better supply and better nutrition for babies.
Proud feelings - Proud feelings replace guilt as you enjoy more freedom in your life.
Dads share responsibility - Babies of smokefree fathers are a safer weight at birth and have less risk of SIDS (cot death)
More money - Money goes up as smoking comes down e.g. ten smokes less a day in pregnancy leaves more than $1,400 for other things.
New Zealand - Ministry of Health
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