Breastfeeding your Baby
Breastfeeding is an ongoing relationship between you and your baby.
Breastfeeding can start soon after your baby is born.
It can take time for you and your baby to learn how to breastfeed.
With the right help almost all mothers can breastfeed.
Breast milk is the perfect food for your baby.
It's all your baby needs to eat and drink for about the first six months.
It helps protect your baby against colds, tummy-bugs, infections and allergies.
It helps your baby feel safe and secure.
Breastfeeding is best for you too.
It's free.
It saves you time.
It gives you a chance to rest while you are feeding your baby.
It helps you feel close to your baby.
There are different ways you can hold your baby to breastfeed - find one that is comfortable for you.
Lie your baby on its side with its body facing you.
Support your baby's back with your arm.
Hold your baby close to your body.
Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health
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